Stony gardens - rockeries

Landscaping unthinkable without the use of stones, and appropriately, and rockeries. Everything rockeries are divided into 3 main types: landscape, art and collectibles. But it's not all types - there are the main types of stony gardens. Consider the basic kinds of rockeries: Alpine hill, rocky hill, architectural rockeries, rockeries landscaped, terraced hillside, cliff, hillside, mountain valley, an alpine meadow, forest, ravine, gully, ravine, rocky ridge, wall, water cascade, a mountain stream, mixborders, a Japanese garden, miniature rockeries, room rocky garden. This section of our site we will tell the most interesting things about the stony gardens. Also you can discuss all the articles in this section of our forum. Photos of rocky gardens, see the photo gallery, and not to miss not a single article of the section - subscribe to our RSS feed.

Rocks and vegetation - the kinds of rocky gardens
Landscape Design - Stony gardens - rockeries

Rocky garden has many advantages, and above all, it's compactness. As a rule, stavnitelno small area of rocky garden grows fairly large number of species of living plants, and planting of stones can enhance the beauty of each.


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