The fate of the world's wetlands is solved in Belarus

Centuries of human intervention in the natural environment is accompanied by a bunch of environmental problems. Was not an exception, and the development of Belarusian marshes. On the troubles related to their drainage, we are told in a previous publication.

Marshes of Belarus - the fate of the world's swamps!

Today, in conjunction with World Day of wetlands present to you the mini-survey conducted in Belarus, activities related to the revival and sustainable management of degraded wetlands. Restoration of peatlands in Belarus began in 2006 as part of a global international project with the long title "Renaturalization and Sustainable Management of Peatlands to Combat Land Degradation, Climate Change and the conservation of globally significant biological diversity." Its implementation was attended by such organizations as the UNDP, Global Environment Facility, BirdLife Finland, the German development bank KfW Entwicklungsbank, Belarusian non-governmental organization, the British Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and many others. Jointly in 1915 was re-waterlogged peatlands and degraded peatlands with a total area 28,200 ha. Summing up the project, which ended in 2010, the Ministry of Forestry noted the high level tasks and expressed a desire for further cooperation in this direction. Under the plan, "Restoring peatlands in Belarus and the use of the concept of stable management - lowering the action on the climate with the result for the economy and biodiversity," PA "APB Birds Batskaushchyny" vigorously cooperating with the GEF Small Grants Programme (GEF SGP): planned work - the optimization of hydrological regime "Elnya, regeneration of the hydrological regime Sanctuary Dokudovskoye, and even secondary swamping of disturbed peat sites" Hareuski "and" Ostrovsky ".
Thus, the secondary swamping swamps (in the wise limits and scientific scenario) brings benefits not only located around the environment, living creatures inhabiting it, but man. Firstly, on the ruined, dead moors again the living ecosystem, preserved biodiversity. Second, a much lower risk of fires. Third, are made fresh recreational areas and lovely travel routes. Well, finally, fourthly, is benefiting the district's economy. According to Annette Thiele, landscape ecology and bolotoveda from Germany, Belarus, currently resides in first place in Europe in the area of restored wetlands. Other European powers are looking for an enthusiastic furrorami Belarusian ecologists. That and no wonder. After all, as soon will be confirmed by a flattering result of the resumption of wetlands the size of greenhouse gases, enthusiasts in the world with renewed vigor can throw them revive.
By the way the world day of the wetlands in the world celebrated on February 2 c 1997. On this day in 1971 in the Iranian town of Ramsar Convention has been signed on wetlands with the aim of their international defense as Waterfowl Habitat. The main purpose of the Ramsar Convention is considered to be conservation and wise use of wetlands as a means of achieving sustainable development throughout the world.


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