Exhibition GardenTool-2011 collects all landscapers and landscape designers

Yesterday in Moscow in Expocentre opens international specialized exhibition of gardening tools, machinery and equipment for the improvement of parks and gardens. Exhibition landscapers will be working from 1 to 4 March 2011, so that it esly you have not visited, then you have 2 more days.

Exhibition GardenTool-2011 collects all landscapers and landscape designers of the CIS

GARDENTOOL - is Russia's only specialized exhibition of tools, machinery and equipment for the improvement of parks and gardens. It offers all visitors a great opportunity for a single venue to meet with suppliers and manufacturers to examine all proposals, to get an idea about the state of this market segment, establishing business contacts, get the best deals on supplies, prices and service for wholesalers and retailers. In our country, the industry landscape design is rapidly developing trend towards a culture of caring for a garden with European standards and traditions of garden art is becoming increasingly popular. As a result, the market of garden machinery and equipment is developing very rapidly and is very promising.

Exhibition GardenTool-2011

The exhibition GardenTool-2011 will bring together over 100 companies from Russia, Ukraine, Taiwan, China, Germany, Belarus, Poland and other countries. Their stands leading manufacturers and suppliers of gardening tools, machinery and equipment. They include such market leaders as: "Lit-Trading", "Interskol", "Centroinstrument, Karcher, Briggs & Stratton and others. What is shown in GARDENTOOL2011: tools and equipment for landscaping work: lawn mowers and trimmers, lawn tractors, cultivators and tillers, snowthrower and ice axes, saws, garden tools, etc.; engineering systems for gardens and parks: irrigation and watering systems , pumps, outdoor lighting systems, equipment for hothouses and greenhouses, gutters and drainage systems, equipment for fountains, ponds, underwater lighting, and more equipment for the improvement of parks and gardens: the elements of landscape design, garden furniture, fences, fencing, minor architectural forms and decorative elements.


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