News from the world of flowers, bouquets and flower arrangement, more and more amaze the most fastidious connoisseur of plants. Even today foreign internet resources trumpeted to the world - multi-colored rose petals, rainbow roses. " What is it, how mu...
Today, the good news of flowers and bouquets came from Western Ukraine. In Lviv, the second time in a row have opened a floral map of our neighbor, Ukraine. For the first time the color map have developed a little less than a year ago - then the grand...
Good news and bouquets of flowers came today from Minsk Botanical Garden. Colorful tulips, daffodils and delicate beauties hyacinths. Unique and inimitable Dutch flower bed appeared in the Botanical Gardens in Minsk. All of this floral splendor - is a ...
Good news and bouquets of flowers came today from our Republic. AONB "Belarus" is likely to open in Minsk. The uniqueness of the new park is that it will be a place for the exhibition "Mini-Belarus" in the open. A territory of Belarus will repeat the co...
At the airport in Krasnodar in the inspection staff Rosselkhoznadzor an infected flower cargo - 1000 flowers alstermerii, which was discovered by the western flower thrips. Flowers should be sent on - in Moscow. However, according to the instructions, al...
The flower workshop brought together florists from all over the Stavropol region, who came not just to acquire new knowledge and skills in the field of flowers and bouquets, but also to get acquainted with one of the most prominent figures of the nation...
Fans and admirers of flowers orchids do not cease to show the world how rich and varied, this small flower world. This time they decided to place special emphasis on the smell. All florists know that most of the plants smell very nice. But perhaps no othe...
The good news of colors. Japanese scientists have come close to yet another discovery in the field of flowers and bouquets. Everyone knows that the time given a bouquet of flowers brighten the mood. But just now, scientists led by Akio Nakamura was scie...
Very good news of flowers and bouquets came from the capital of our neighbor, Ukraine - Kiev city. The city authorities have decided to resume the "victims" from vandals earlier floral clock. ...
Good news and bouquets of flowers came today from the solar Kazakhstan. International exhibition of flowers and landscaping «Astana FlorExpo-2010" opened in Astana. In the capital, the exhibition complex "Korma" opened an internati...
Today, next came "News of flowers and bouquets" from our neighboring Ukraine. The authorities of the Crimean Peninsula have decided to attract additional tourists by holding the flower festivals, exhibitions and fields. The leaders want to develop in th...
Kashmiri tulips are attracted to India, flower lovers from around the world. In order that would create a paradise for tulips were dug approximately 600 channels and planted more than 350,000 bulbs.
Powerful and "expensive" for the whole of Europe and indeed the whole world Volcano "got" to the flower industry. Moscow risks to remain without flowers carnations on holidays in May because of disruptions in air transport from the Netherlands.
Before we write an article about the most common pests of plants and flowers TRIPS as of Sochi, came new information detecting pests in the party of cut flowers alstermery.
April 13-15, 2010 in Kyiv hosted an international exhibition of flowers and flower business. This is the traditional format of the annual exhibition «B2B», which year after year, becomes the main event of the Ukrainian flower market.
Moscow Training Center Znatel "invites you to attend a master class devoted to wedding bouquets of flowers high complexity, which will be held at our Training Centre florist.
In Crimea, the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, solemnly opened "Ball of tulips." Predict the opening date of the holiday in advance was impossible - it depended on when the tulips will decide to dissolve. About 100 thousand colors, finally blossomed under the...
Scientists from the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that they have found a substance that is responsible for updating the colors and their safety. The substance is called tridiazuron it - a synthetic analogue of cytokinin, a hormone that is pres...
In the management of Rosselkhoznadzor for the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic reported that seedlings of flowers in one of the greenhouses in the Altai test was discovered western flower thrips. ...
Designers, florists in the Netherlands decided in a special way to use in floral design and Japanese technology kokedma created the concept of "flying gardens or hanging gardens." Art kokedma - is growing plants in the balls, covered with moss. The unof...