Cells, plants and flowers bull - for a rich life and physical endurance Taurus - is the earth's zodiac sign, sign material, looking to land a stable and enduring. Taurus - this is the first of the earthly signs in the zodiac, and thus closest to the material spheres. Low growth of plants of this sign is associated with water-saving Taurus. For people born under the sign of Taurus, are well suited stable and sturdy plants, and plants with beautiful flowers. Plants and flowers calf: Begonia dekorativnotsvetuschaya (tuber, many-flowered, zimotsvetnaya), Gloxinia, Blosfelda Kalanchoe, Kalanchoe Mangina; peperomii, primrose, violet uzambarskaya, Persian Cyclamen, Gloxinia (Sinning excellent) primrose (primula) ampelnye peperomii. Taurus are not suitable plants and flowers such as agave, calceolaria, pepper, ehmeya. Plants belonging to the sign of Taurus are designed to improve physical endurance, as well as send a man on the road to wealth. Plants Taurus - talismans of wealth. If you were born under a different sign, then you certainly have every right to keep house plants Taurus: They help you maintain strength and health promotion. Discuss floral zodiac can be in the appropriate section of our forum about flowers and plants.