Flower news of Belarus and the world - all the new and exciting world of plants

News of flowers and plants. Flowers, bouquets, floral, auctions and exhibitions. The most interesting and new about the flowers and houseplants. In this section, the Belarusian site of flowers and bouquets of flowers you'll find all the newest from the world of wildlife in Belarus and the entire living world. Announcements of festivals, forums, exhibitions, displays and other events in the world of flowers and plants and related floral activity can be found in this section. If you have any interesting news on flowers, plants, floristry, landscaping, exhibitions and forums, then send them to our e-mail and we will publish them.

51 Cacao Tree Genome Sequenced
52 The flowers of porcelain can be seen in the Gallery of Modern Art Moss-18
53 IPM 2011 will take place from 15 to 28 January 2010
54 Landscapers Minsk celebrates 35 anniversary
55 Minsk, though clean, but the title of Green Capital of Europe is not pulling
56 Singing flowers in your home - a musical vase
57 Decipher the language of plants
58 Ukraine has discovered the oldest juniper in Europe
59 Modern technology in the cultivation of plants and flowers
60 Forest nursery seedlings from seeds of ancient trees create in Belarus
61 Agrochemical laboratory of Minsk daily inspects plantings
62 Belarusian ecologists against the state program on development Naroch
63 World competition florists for wedding bouquets November 3, 2010
64 Greening of Minsk in October 2010 - Report Minskzelenstroya
65 Hemp is a drug-free - new varieties of hemp brought in Russia
66 Flower seeds - the study of plants with genetic errors
67 Decreases the lifetime of the plant - Living Planet Index
68 The oldest land plants 472 million years old - old-timers liverwort
69 Chrysanthemum Flower Show 2010 will take place in Nikitsky Botanical Gardens in Yalta
70 All plant and animal cells, microtubules are
71 In 2010, in Minsk, killing many trees and shrubs
72 In San Francisco the largest living Hall of plants - a new record from the world of plants
73 Photographs of works of winners of the Russian Championship on Flora 2010
74 Belarus has designed new dendroparks
75 Open Russian Championship on Professional Floristry 2010
76 International Championship florists EUROFLEURS 2010 with the participation of Russia
77 Landscaping in Russia Open Day
78 Effects of hurricanes in the forests of Belarus are required to liquidate before the end of 2010
79 Longest floral carpet in the world
80 At Minsk beds of flowers appeared plates
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