We continue to tell visitors to our site about the Belarusian flower pot plants and flowers. Today in our field of vision has got a rose (the most common types: the Chinese and Syrian roses), also called gibikusom.
Potted flowers rose gibikus - Chinese and Syrian Rose
We all know very well that if you want a normal house, you can create a real winter garden of flowers. Of course just one person's desires is not enough. To make room colors pleasing to the eye, you need to know how much: and properly watered, and fertilize and repot, and protected from disease. The Belarusian rooms increasingly gaining gibikus. The most common two types of rose: Chinese rose and the Syrian rose. On the language of flowersand bouquets gibikus means long life and eternal love.
Indoor - Chinese Rose
A beautiful evergreen. Blooms all summer and fall sometimes, simple or double flowers, painted in subtle tones of white, cream or temnopurpurovoy color. Unpretentious enough Shade houseplant. Propagated by softwood cuttings in sand in a moist environment under a glass cover. Easily take root. Rooted cuttings are nursed in a breeding ground in small pots, from which rolled over early in spring in large pots. Healthy plants are transplanted in the spring to bloom in a mixture of 2 parts of the turf, 1 part humus and one part leaf land. In summer the plants on a window sill or as close as possible to the bright windows, abundantly watered two to three times the feed mineral or organic fertilizers. 3imoy contain around windows, reduce watering, especially during short days, and in enough warm rooms with high humidity. Hibiscus (rose) represents a tree-shrub of medium size, brought from southern China and northern India, where it everywhere bred but where it is currently found more wild. Its leaves were bright green, toothed, beautiful flowers are simple and double, a variety of shades, from yellowish-white and soft pink to bright fiery-red and violet-purple. The colors are just varieties of similar shape and size of the flowers simple hollyhocks , a family which belongs to China rose. The natural flowering time it - winter. Care of the Chinese rose, easy and simple, but particularly recommend it for rooms not because of its sprawling rosta.Vesnoyu plants are transplanted in the fertile land that can be composed of two parts clay sod, one part leaf and one part manure land. This mixed into the ground a little horn-shavings. Before transplanting the plants heavily pruned. All summer they can be kept in the sunlight and well-ventilated room. Constant spraying exciting growth and prevents settling on the leaves shield aphids, which without this precaution is often attacked by the Chinese rose. Rosanne like watering a very strong, and at the height of vegetation period - liquid fertilizer. To make Chinese roses bloom in autumn, they are transplanted in May, but until then keep as far as possible in a state of complete rest, watering is very moderate. At this time, they often lose all the leaves. Transplanted and trimmed the bushes soon give strong shoots which in July re-trimmed. With such care flowers appear late autumn. Chinese roses in the winter or gibikus should not contain too much heat and water moderately. For reproduction is cut into the tops of the cuttings of young shoots that are rooted in the room teplichke or under a glass cover. Bush hibiscus lives more than 20 years, lends itself well to formirovke - in late winter, cut the stems to increase branching. Hibiscus can be grown as a tree stam.
Indoor - Syrian Rose
Beautiful plant with three-bladed leaves, deciduous in the winter, with simple or terry white, violet or purple flowers, like flowers hollyhocks. There are varieties with variegated leaves. Syrian rose blooms in summer and early autumn. Propagation is by seeds in spring or summer green cuttings, which root in the sand in a moist environment under a glass cover. Rooted cuttings are planted in small pots in a breeding ground. Transplanted in early spring, before growth in the land, consisting of 2 parts of the turf, 1 part leaf and 1 part humus. Healthy plants are transplanted into a large bowl. Summer abundantly watered, kept on windowsills or on small tables near the window. In winter, after leaf fall, kept in cool place at a very moderate watering. In the late winter of last year's shoots are heavily pruned (cut two-thirds), and plants on a window sill, as growth increases water the flowers. We recall that we have indoor plants you can order with delivery in Minsk on our site. |