Acacia in the Mediterranean countries is life, immortality, a departure from the active cases as well as platonic love. On the language of flowers (the colors) yellow - love is gone, white - platonic love, rose - elegance, and blown acacia mean secret love.
Acacia, yellow locust, acacia photos
Locust, Karagan - a tree legume, to 25-30 m (average 12 m) high, with spreading crown, thick, dark, glubokoborozdchatoy bark. Locust usually in all cases has a very strong root system, whose roots penetrate to a depth of 20 meters or more. Leaves imparipinnate, on short stalks, which are in the direction of the branches differentiate into cartilaginoid false vagina. Acacia leaf is 4 to 8 pairs of elliptic, light green, soft, smooth-edged leaflets. Acacia thorns (modified leaves) - are very strong, woody, with a very sharp point, sickle-shaped. Flowers are numerous, fragrant, white, large, in drooping racemes. The fruit of acacia flat bean to 10 cm in length, with the seeds of dark color. Acacia blooms usually in May or June, fruits ripen in September or acacia, and remain hanging on the tree all winter. Lifespan acacia - up to 50 years or more. Acacia grows along roads, in gardens, parks parkahi. Acacia plant is poisonous (seeds, bark, roots)! Birthplace of acacia is considered North America, where it occurs in the northeastern and northern states from Pennsylvania to the Dakotas, Iowa, Montana and Oklahoma. In 1804 the seeds of this plant were first planted in Russia, in 1813 it appeared in Crimea in Nikitsky Botanical Garden (Ukraine). Medicinal raw materials are acacia flowers, which are harvested at the beginning of flowering poluraspustivshemsya state. Dried in the shade under a canopy, in a well ventilated area or in a dryer at a temperature of 40-50 ° C, рассыпая thin and often turning. Bark and leaves are harvested throughout the growing season. In the study of the pharmacological properties of drugs prepared on the basis of robinina revealed their diuretic and hypoazotemic action.
Species of the genus Acacia
The genus Acacia comprises about 1300 species, the most common ones are listed below:
Acacia adunca G. Don - Acacia curved Acacia anceps DC. - Acacia double-edged or fringed Acacia Acacia aneura Benth. - Acacia bezzhilkovaya Acacia aphylla Maslin - Acacia leafless Acacia ashbyae Maslin - Acacia Ashby Acacia ataxacantha DC. - Acacia raznokolyuchkovaya or Fiery Spike Acacia baileyana F. Muell. - Acacia Bailey Acacia binervata DC. - Acacia dvuhzhilkovaya Acacia brachystachya Benth. - Acacia korotkokoloskovaya Acacia buxifolia A. Cunn. - Acacia samshitolistnaya Acacia calamifolia Lindl. - Acacia kalamusolistnaya Acacia catechu (Lf) Willd. - Acacia catechu Acacia caven (Molina) Molina - Acacia kaven Acacia cochlearis (Labill.) Wendl. - Acacia lozhechnaya Acacia confusa Merr. - Acacia Mixed Acacia cornigera (L.) Willd. - Acacia bycherogaya Acacia cultriformis G. Don - kultriformis Acacia or Acacia nozhevidnaya Acacia cyclops G. Don - Acacia krugloglazaya Acacia dealbata Link - Acacia silver, or Acacia whited Acacia decora Rchb.f. - Acacia beautiful Acacia decurrens Willd. - Acacia decurrent Acacia dodonaeifolia (Pers.) Balb. - Acacia dodoneilistnaya Acacia eburnea (Lf) Willd. - Acacia brilliant Acacia elongata DC. - Acacia oblong Acacia erubescens Oliv. - Acacia reddening Acacia falcata Willd. - Acacia falciform Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd. - Acacia Farnese Acacia galpinii Burtt Davy - Acacia Galpina or Monkey thorn Acacia horrida (L.) Willd. - Acacia awesome Acacia howittii F. Muell. - Acacia Howitt Acacia laeta Benth. - Light Acacia Acacia linifolia (Vent.) Willd. - Acacia lineynolistnaya Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd. - Acacia dlinolistnaya Acacia lunata G. Lodd. - Acacia mesyatsevidnaya Acacia macracantha Willd. - Acacia krupnokolyuchkovaya Acacia melanoxylon R.Br. - Acacia is black, or Acacia chernodrevnaya Acacia menzelii JMBlack - Acacia Menzel Acacia myrtifolia (Sm.) Willd. - Acacia mirtolistnaya Acacia neriifolia Benth. - Acacia oleandrolistnaya Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile - Acacia Nile Acacia notabilis F. Muell. - Acacia noticeable Acacia obtusata DC. - Acacia blunting Acacia oxycedrus DC. - Acacia red Acacia pendula G. Don - Acacia weeping Acacia podalyriifolia G. Don - Acacia podalirielistnaya Acacia pravissima F. Muell. - Acacia curved Acacia pubescens (Vent.) R.Br. - Acacia fluffy Acacia pulchella R.Br. - Acacia beautiful Acacia pycnantha Benth. - Acacia gustotsvetkovaya or Golden wattle Acacia rehmanniana Schinz - Acacia Reiman Acacia retinodes Schltdl. - Acacia resistant Acacia salicina Lindl. - Acacia ivolistnaya Acacia saligna (Labill.) Wendl. - Acacia willow Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. - Acacia Senegalese Acacia spectabilis Benth. - Acacia great Acacia suaveolens (Sm.) Willd. - Acacia fragrant Acacia tenuifolia (L.) Willd. - Acacia angustifolia Acacia tetragonophylla F. Muell. - Acacia barbed Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne - Acacia Twisted Acacia verticillata (L'Her.) Willd. - Acacia whorled Acacia vestita Ker Gawl. - Acacia dressed Acacia viscidula Benth. - Acacia kleykovataya
Healing properties of acacia
Bark acacia (young trees). In folk medicine broth - an exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer. In Bulgaria and Germany alcoholate - elevated gastric acidity and other stomach diseases. The same application is in homeopathy. Leaves, young shoots of acacia. In folk medicine, tincture - an exacerbation of gastritis and gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Acacia flowers. In folk medicine, tincture, decoction - for kidney and bladder. Tincture externally - for rheumatism. Acacia flowers are used in combination with bearberry leaves, flowers, tansy, flowers, cornflower blue, licorice root (as a diuretic fee). In Bulgaria, the brew - as an expectorant and febrifuge. Decoction of the bark of acacia: 1 / 2 tablespoon chopped raw material is poured 500 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes, filtered hot and bring the volume of boiled water to the source. Take small portions over 2 days. With good endurance can drink during the day, is better in the form of heat. Tincture of leaves and young shoots of Acacia: Raw insist on 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, soaking for 15 days, occasionally shaking. Take 1 tsp 3 times daily before meals. Infusion of acacia flowers: 10 g of material is poured 200 ml of boiled water, then strain. Decoction of flowers of acacia: 1 tablespoon fresh or dried material is poured 500 ml of water, boiled for 3 minutes, filtered and the volume was adjusted to the original. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times daily before meals. Tincture of acacia flowers: raw material is poured rubbing alcohol or vodka and infused for 2 weeks in the sun. Used only externally. Contraindications: when the domestic application of dosage forms (seeds, bark, roots) should be careful because of toxicity. Acute poisoning, which are accompanied by malaise, nausea, vomiting, headache or drowsiness may occur also in the harvesting of wood. By acacia alkaloids are particularly susceptible horses. In poisoning the animals appear severe abdominal pain. They observed strong excitation, tremors, convulsions, weakness of the heart. First aid is the washing of the human stomach, the appointment of absorbent material, the use of symptomatic treatment (stimulants, heart and other means).
The use of acacia in other areas of life
Acacia is used in food, paint industries and in perfumery. The leaves of acacia - is a very good fodder for livestock. Parquet wood acacia is not inferior in its quality oak. Widely used in gardening building as an ornamental and fragrant plants. Suitable for planting shelterbelts, fixing the ravines, slopes, shores. White acacia is an excellent honey plant. The greatest number of nectar is released in the morning hours at a temperature of 18-24 ° C. Flower nectar allocated within 3-4 days. In the nectar of a flower - to 2 mg of sugar. Severe bee family can gather from one tree to 8 kg of honey. Acacia honey is very light, transparent, crystallized very slowly. In Ukraine, the locust makes up to 600-800 kg of honey from one hectare.
Romance of the White fragrant bunches of acacia "
Acacia to many beautiful and fell in love with people that people are even laid down their poems and songs about the acacias, here's one of them (the text):
All night we nightingale whistle The city was silent and remained silent house Acacia clusters of fragrant Night we go mad, Acacia clusters of fragrant Night we go mad, A garden full of spring rains had washed In dark ravines was water God as we were naive As we were young then Years raced gray making us Where the purity of these branches of living Only a winter snowstorm so that white Remind them today Only a winter snowstorm so that white Remind them today In the hour when the wind is raging raging With renewed strength, I feel Acacia clusters of fragrant Irretrievably as youth, my Acacia clusters of fragrant Unique as a youth, my
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