Tridiazuron (cytokinin) prolong the life of flowers and bouquets of flowers
Flowers - News Flowers

Scientists from the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that they have found a substance that is responsible for updating the colors and their safety. The substance is called tridiazuron it - a synthetic analogue of cytokinin, a hormone that is present only in the growing and vibrant colors, and saves them the metabolism.

Tridiazuron increase the life of flowers and bouquets of flowers

If you inject tridiazuron a truncated plant metabolism it starts again and stops fading. While scientists say they are only "on the verge of" opening, which in future will keep cut flowers for as long as necessary. First, until the experiment was performed only on chrysanthemums, and therefore not known whether the other colors to respond to tridiazuron as positive. And secondly, a metabolic disorder - just one of several causes of wilting flowers, and before talking about the complete victory over the flower "death" (of living water for the flowers), it is necessary to determine the complete list of its causes. This is probably the first good news the previous week, as one after another in the news about the colors were negative events: the California thrips, flower thrips detection, drought in China, which has brought a multimillion-dollar damages florist and florists.


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