What are environmental problems, the Belarusians know firsthand. Not surprisingly, the recent initiatives to support the environment have become increasingly popular.
Belarusian Stonehenge is already working! So, in December 2010 successfully completed a joint project of the European Union and United Nations Development Programme "Support to environment and sustainable development in Belarus." What was done for 26 months of the three components of this project? Where are the "green routes" in Belarus? Now Belarusians can not only compete with the British on the football field, but also compete with them in attracting tourists: in our country got its own "Stonehenge." Placed in a strict sequence of symbolic ancient stones were found 35 kilometers from Novopolotsk. Now they - part of the "green route" called "Polotsk Stonehenge." According to Dmitry Frischina, head of EU / UNDP project, just spent eight "green routes", four of them received financial support - for the preparation of maps, installing pavilions and information boards. Usually routes combine environmental, historical, cultural and ethnographic objects and placed along the old roads and abandoned railroad tracks, may include rural estates and ancient temples. In their design and implementation of combined efforts of businessmen, local residents, clergy and local authorities. "Every member of the" green route "makes an important contribution to the development and improvement of tourist potential of the region", - says Dmitry Frischin. Furthermore, it was sold about 70 mini-grants initiatives on sustainable regional development. This is a festival of rural tourism (Zaborskі Festival "in Rossonsky district), flowers (in the village of stomach) and folk songs (in the village of Orla, both - Shchuchin district)," Annenskі kіrmash in Zelva. In areas open five information centers on Sustainable Development and ecotourism, which convey the idea of the creation, implementation and development of so-called "Local Agendas for the 21 st century." Preserve biological diversity in Belarus Biological diversity - the existence of numerous species of plants and animals - a prerequisite for human survival. In this assured and participants of the second component of the project - capacity building in the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and in the implementation of environmental conventions, in the Republic of Belarus. They have made great efforts for endorsement by the Council of Ministers of the new National Strategy for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in our country. In preparing the strategy and consulted with international experts who shared their positive experience in this field. We have also developed a new national program to combat land degradation, which will soon be submitted to the Government for approval. According to D. Frischina, Belarus is seeking to gradually introduce different aspects of SEA into their national legislation, and therefore especially valuable that the country was studying international experience and receive assistance in the preparation of the experts. But removing the concrete benefits from the participation of Belarus in a number of international environmental conventions will information-analytical center, established under the project on the basis of RUE "Belarusian Research Centre" Ecology ". What is taught in "green schools" in Belarus? Not left unattended and children's interest in a butterfly net, binoculars and telescopes. About 150 schools all over the country have received this unpretentious environmental equipment, so children can watch the insects, birds and other wildlife. Students will conduct its surveillance under the guidance of trained teachers, biologists in the "green schools". In December 2010, the Berezina Biosphere Reserve and the Reserve "Swan" opened in Minsk on environmental education centers. Many students have already been there through the implementation of the third component of the project - raising environmental awareness among youth through the establishment and development of "green schools". In reserve, in particular, created the conditions for observing the birds. In the meantime, the court of winter and begin to practice pretty hard, Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve offers to visit the Museum of Nature and Environmental Education Center. There's an exhibition devoted to "green schools" and shows a film about the EU / UNDP project in the Belarusian language. For more information on this and other projects that the EU is implementing in Belarus can learn from the program "Window on Europe". They go: in the first Belarussian channel - Mondays at 18.25 (repeated - on Wednesday at 16.00), as well as on Radio Radius FM "- Mondays at 18.40 (repeated - on Thursday at 18.40). |