Flowers -
News Flowers
Before we write an article about the most common pests of plants and flowers TRIPS as of Sochi, came new information detecting pests in the party of cut flowers alstermery.
From Sochi in Kemerovo Californian thrips not fly away
The other day regional management specialists Rosselkhoznadzor found in the Sochi airport alstermerii party of cut flowers, which were infected with dangerous pest - Western California thrips. All 200 colors, it was decided to destroy. According to representatives of regional governance Rosselkhoznadzor, dangerous flower shipment was supposed to go much further - in Kemerovo. Recall that a fully effective in combating a combination of higher concentrations, with insignificant addition zooshampunya. At the time of processing plants and flowers are very desirable to remove all the flower stalks on the plants. Two or three color processing with an interval of 10 days. More information about flower pests "thrips". |