Belarusian ecologists against the state program on development Naroch

Not exactly good news from the world of plants and wildlife, Belarus - Environmentalists are sounding the alarm of our republic. A partnership of environmental organizations, "Green Network" and the Public Association "Eco House" will initiate the revision of the State Program of development of the resort Naroch region for 2011-2015.

Belarusian ecologists against the state program on development Naroch

This was reported by a member of the NGO "Eco House" Tatiana Novikova November 10, 2010 at a press conference in Minsk, Belarus. Decree of the President of Belarus under the number 516 "On State Program of development of the resort Naroch region for 2011-2015 was signed on September 30, 2010. Stated that the program is designed "to enhance the effectiveness of using a unique natural resource potential Naroch edge, solving a number of socio-economic and environmental issues that have arisen in recent years in the region." According to members of a partnership of environmental organizations in Belarus, the program is adopted without any discussion with the interested public. Meanwhile, it has a lot of points with which the representatives of the environmental community do not agree in the bud. Thus, in particular, this document provides for the withdrawal of the protected mode key plant areas of European importance, building cottages shores of lakes Naroch edge. All this is dangerous, and environmentalists are going to obtain a review of public documents, said a representative of "Green Buildings". Recall that discuss the news of plants and wildlife you can discuss at our Belarusian forum about flowers and plants.


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