In Russia, parsley called drugs

Another interesting news from the world of plants. A careful reading of various papers, signed by Russian officials - it is often boring, but occasionally opens his eyes to the world. Here are the technical, seemingly, the document "Hygienic requirements for safety and nutritional value of foods (SanPiN) approved and signed by Rospotrebnadzor Gennady Onishchenko.

Shock! - In Russia, parsley and Kenzo, has called drugs

The annex to SanPiN have a list of "plants containing potent, narcotic or toxic substances", and there under the number 352 - familiar to millions of gardeners, horticulturists, curly parsley. Its fruit (essential oil) Rospotrebnadzor banned for turnover. In fact, the fruit contains seeds, which means that following the formal logic, to put curly parsley in the garden, apparently, is now impossible. For the illegal cultivation of fruits parsley is quite possible to get a fine in 1000-4000 rubles. or administrative arrest for up to 15 days. "Yandex" yesterday afternoon at the request of "Onishchenko parsley" found 1,211 blog posts - and most of them more like a bad joke on the topic of relations chief state sanitary inspector of the illegal herb. Whether any high number of jokes, or degrees, but the Federal Drug Control Service Director Viktor Ivanov quickly come to recognize the parsley "useful product" and recommend "to consume it" (quoted by ITAR-TASS). Add to stories with parsley recommendation of the head of Rospotrebnadzor Onishchenko, "it is better to undress in front of police officer" instead of too frequent scans at airports (as quoted in "Russian Newspaper"), is instead of Japanese cuisine "potatoes, sauerkraut, and sometimes meat" - that it good , in Japanese cuisine, you can get infected with worms only, radionuclides will not become infected, do not worry "(quoted by Itar-Tass) - or ban selling energy drink Cocaine, because this name confuses the buyer of his appointment (as quoted by Reuters). Many of the initiatives Rospotrebnadzor in fact not so meaningless: for example, that their products did not was banned after the restrictions on the sale of meat treated with chlorine, many old poultry farms had to retool quickly. Yes, and a ban on the importation of European vegetables until until it found a deadly bacteria, as well as recommendations on how to dissociate itself from the bird flu or who knows, maybe save someone's life. But stories such as the prohibition of fruit parsley seems to be useful except as an occasion for laughter: he is said to prolong life.

PS. Generally, the drug is not the whole parsley, but its fruits (seeds) from which you can cook-threatening health oil. To activate the drugs police in the fight with the parsley to the decision of the Russian Government to ban cultivation of this plant. And such an act is currently unavailable. When will the decision of the Government on this issue - it is not known. In addition to the fruits of parsley, a ban were the fruits of coriander - Zira.


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