Minskzelenstroy - anti-icing agents make the burden on green spaces |
Not exactly good news for the residents of our capital. Minskzelenstroy stated that the use of anti-icing agents is specific to the city of Minsk additional factor of anthropogenic load on the greenery of the city.
Minskzelenstroy - anti-icing agents provide the load on the green areas of the capital of Belarus
Components of anti-reagents directly affect the composition of snow water, and as a consequence, penetrate the root layer of soil, causing negative consequences for the viability of the plant roadside. Specialists agrochemical laboratory Belarus track in the winter and spring dynamics of accumulation of chemical elements in snow cover. Monitoring of chloride in the snow water is an important component, because the increased concentration of chloride salts leads to the creation of low water potential in soil, which greatly complicates the flow of water to plants. When chloride salinity in plants violations occur in metabolism, as well as in the structure of plant cells and other plantings. The maximum content of chloride ion and sodium in snow water samples taken in December 2010, observed on Pobediteley and Independence Avenue (about 7500 ml / l and 300 ml / l, respectively), this is due to large doses of making icing mixtures. On the boulevards and squares of Minsk ion content of chlorine and sodium is much lower. |