Limonary opened at the Central Botanical Garden (CBG) of the National Academy of Sciences on October 2, told Belarusian reporters in the CLS. Greenhouse fruit of citrus plants will receive visitors after the summer break.
Limonary opened at the Central Botanical Garden October 2, 2011
In limonarii collected about 100 varieties of citrus, including 60 varieties of lemons, 15 varieties of oranges, tangerines 10 varieties and 10 varieties of grapefruit. It also presents such a rare citrus fruit, as kinkany (fortunello, kumquat), Citron and kalamondiny. Open to all greenhouses guides can tell you about these kinds of plants. In addition to citrus, visitors can see here the coffee tree, pineapple guava, figs and other exotic plants. Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus - the keeper of the gene pool of plants and the country's leading research center in the introduction and acclimatization of plants, environmental protection, plant physiology and biochemistry, has received wide recognition and acclaim. He is one of the largest botanical gardens in Europe both in area (153 ha), and composition of collection holdings: the collection and exposure to more than 9 thousand names of plants from different climatic zones of the world, including 2.3 thousand - in greenhouses. CBS regularly exchange seeds with 240 botanical gardens in other countries, most intensely - with Russia, Ukraine, France, Italy and Germany. |