Ming chestnuts under threat of insects

Another interesting news from the world of living plants in Minsk. Overseas insect strikes Ming chestnuts. On the street Surganova in the Central Botanical Garden of chestnuts, which grow along the roadside, do not look perfect. Mid-summer, the trees turned yellow, and some do already dropped leaves.

Ming chestnuts under threat of insects

- This is a leaf-mining moth - said in an interview to the Information Agency 'Minsk-news' Head of the Laboratory of terrestrial invertebrates of the Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources, Anatoly Kulak. - It's invasive, or alien for Belarus, the insect that poses a real threat to the flora. It affects leaf blades. First, they are stained, then leaves wither, curl and die. In Minsk, leaf-mining moth suffer from mainly chestnuts. While in other countries it attacks and maples. Insect reproduces slowly, hitting a tree behind the tree. To date, among permissible for use in chemicals not one that would be effective against this pest. Affected chestnut leaf litter was collected and burned to stop the spread of the pest. By the way, leaf-mining moth - this is a problem in many European countries. Belarusian capital for the first time confronted with it 2-3 years ago.


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