Minsk festival of flowers and landscape architecture

Regular good news from the world of gardening in Minsk. In the Belarusian capital will again be held the seventh Minsk festival of flowers and landscape architecture, which this year will be held under the slogan "On sports, you're the world!

VII Minsk festival of flowers and landscape architecture

According to the decision of Minsk City Executive Committee on 21 July 2005. № 1295 in Minsk in the park "Starostinskaya Sloboda from 15 June to 3 July 2011. Carried out as the seventh Minsk festival of flower beds and landscaping. The festival of flower beds and landscape architecture - "On sports, you're the world!". The purpose of the annual festival of the Minsk flower beds and landscape architecture is to increase quality and culture of creating flower beds, the introduction of new techniques and modern technology design of the urban environment of Minsk. The festival has become a tradition Minsk landscapers. Minsk and invite guests to visit the park, enjoy our flower gardens.


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