The flowers of porcelain can be seen in the Gallery of Modern Art Moss-18

Intereyne news from the world of flowers and bouquets came from Russia. In recent years, modern materials and modern technology allows to create analogues of flowers growing close to nature. An example may serve opened last week at the St. Petersburg exhibition of floral works Yevgeny Andreev.

The flowers of porcelain can be seen in the Gallery of Modern Art Moss-18

In the Gallery of Modern Art "Moss-18" sculptor presented an exposition showing the colors of the porcelain. Fashion history on the flowers of porcelain in Russia begins in XIX century, it was in those days to have a porcelain flowers was considered particularly chic in the Russian nobility. Special skills in the manufacture of these colors has made master of the Imperial Porcelain Factory Ulyanovich Peter Ivanov (1804-1851), to create works that brought international recognition of Russian industry. He created a porcelain bouquet of roses, dahlias and carnations still has no analogues in the world. Today, this flower is in the Hermitage collection. Unfortunately, with the death of the master secret of making porcelain flowers faded.

Photos of flowers and roses china

The search capabilities of manufacturing special porcelain paste, without which the creation of porcelain flowers, were for many years, and only at the beginning of the XXI century, they were unsuccessful. In 2002, Eugene Andreev patented his invention - a method of manufacturing plastic porcelain mass. Its bouquet of porcelain seem alive, in flower petals, visible veins, like a flower of a rose. Of course, not only does the composition of porcelain flowers Eugene Andreyev "alive." Equal importance is the skill of the sculptor, as each track is made individually. First are the petals of flowers: roses, carnations, orchids or tulips, then they're going to bud, and only then comes the bouquet. Skill Eugene Andreyev has found acceptance among the fans of porcelain in many countries around the world - its fragile "live" floral porcelain are now in private collections not only in Russia but also abroad. The exposition of "Live porcelain" will run until December 30, 2010. Discuss porcelain flowers you can count on our forum about plants.


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