Flowers -
News Flowers
Very good news of flowers and bouquets came from the capital of our neighbor, Ukraine - Kiev city. The city authorities have decided to resume the "victims" from vandals earlier floral clock.
Flower Clock install in Kiev Suffering, floral clock, which in 2009 suffered from vandals, began to establish in central Kiev April 22, 2010 Ukraine. May 4, 2010 frame will be completely finished, and workers will begin planting flowers in a premeditated scheme - to be planted about 50 thousand flowers. All of the florists of Ukraine will be completed by May 8, 2010. Throughout the 2010 floral clock will change its appearance. It is not hard to guess what the first topic will be the anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War. Order and ribbons will create using the Viola, Begonia , Coleus, Chernobrivetsy and arborvitae. Subsequently, in place of all these beautiful flowers will be planted chrysanthemums . |